Your tax-deductible donation will directly support our mission of enriching the lives of people with mental illness in our community by:
- Sustaining our Employment, Education, and Emergency Fund, which helps members overcome barriers related to adverse financial circumstances;
- Providing support for member and staff attendance at national and international trainings that enhance all aspects of Clubhouse programming;
- Supporting our Wellness and Social Programs that improve members’ mental and physical health; and
- Enhancing Pioneer House, our residential program that assists members in learning to live independently.
- Providing nutritious and affordable meals to our members.
Want to support a member? Our annual cost per member is $2500/year or $208/month. Consider one of these donations to make a difference in the life of a member!
There are many ways to help!
Be a sponsor at our Annual Breakfast in May. Your organization enjoys some visibility too!
Send a check or money order, payable to Frontier House, to:
Frontier House
1407 8th Avenue
Greeley, CO 80631
Attention: Renee Schell, Program Director
Make a donation by credit card or PayPal:
Other ways to “Be the Change”:

- Work with us to provide employment opportunities for members.
- Schedule a tour of Frontier House to learn more about us.
- Ask us to present to your organization about our programs.
- Join our mailing list to receive Frontier House news and invitations to events.
- Like us on Facebook!
- Contact us to learn more!