Work gives us meaning and purpose to our lives. For people living with mental illnesses, it can be difficult to find and keep a job. As a right of membership, Clubhouses provide members with opportunities to return to paid employment in integrated work settings through Transitional Employment, Supported Employment (Individual Placement and Support), and Independent Employment programs. We strive to help every person who wants to work find the right job for them.
Through a network of businesses in the Greeley community, Frontier House continually seeks new opportunities to help members find employment.
Work gives us meaning and purpose to our lives. For people living with mental illnesses, it can be difficult to find and keep a job. As a right of membership, Clubhouses provide members with opportunities to return to paid employment in integrated work settings through Transitional Employment, Supported Employment (Individual Placement and Support), and Independent Employment programs. We strive to help every person who wants to work find the right job for them.
Through a network of businesses in the Greeley community, Frontier House continually seeks new opportunities to help members find employment.
“Clubhouse ensures that you are supported in achieving your educational and employment dreams”

Frontier House Provides:
Temporary positions for members to try to determine interest and build work experience.
Personal assistance with identifying strengths and work interests; writing a resume; preparing for interviews; filling out online applications.
Access to benefits counseling regarding how work could affect important benefits such as Social Security and Medicaid.
Interview skills training.
Individualized job search and job development to help members find permanent work based on individual preference.
Resource referrals for job placement services
Job coaching and On-the-job training and supports.
Time unlimited support.
Referral to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation as an additional resource for vocational support.
Annual Employment and Education Recognition Banquet to recognize members for their vocational achievements.
Transitional Employment (TE)
Transitional Employment is a highly structured program for members returning to work in local business and industry. Transitional Employment placements are at the employer’s place of business, are part-time (15-20 hours per week), and include a lot of on-the-job and off-site support from Clubhouse staff and other members. These placements generally last from six to nine months. Members can then try another placement or move on to Supported or Independent employment. Transitional Employment is specifically designed as a vocational rehabilitation program where a member can gain or re-gain the skills and confidence necessary to have a job while he or she is employed in a “real world” position. The only requirement for the member to participate in Transitional Employment is the expressed desire to work.
Supported Employment (SE) – Individual Placement and Support (IPS)
IPS is the Evidence Based Practice of Supported Employment that helps people find and keep competitive jobs, while at the same time providing employers with access to employees that meet their needs. Services are based on job seeker’s interests, and do not exclude people based on diagnosis, symptoms, or history. Supports are available as long as a person needs or wants them. Work is a proven part of recovery for people with mental illness and/or substance use disorders.
Support is provided in time unlimited, part-time or full-time work. Positions are competitive within the work force of the member’s choice. Supports include job development and placement, advocacy, job coaching, disability education to for the employer (including employment incentives), vocational counseling, accommodations planning, and post-employment support. Job searches being at any point the individual expresses interest in gaining employment. Referral to the Division of Vocational Rehabilitation for individuals in need of intensive support is offered.
Independent Employment (IE)
Independent Employment is a program of the Clubhouse through which members, when ready, are broadly helped by the Clubhouse to seek and obtain a job of their own. The Clubhouse then provides ongoing support and encouragement for the members as long as they are employed and want assistance. There is no on-site support at the place of business for members in Independent Employment; all support takes place at the Clubhouse, or in the community.

Supported Education
Frontier House assists members to further their vocational and educational goals by helping them take advantage of adult education opportunities in the community. Whether it’s getting a GED or going to college, we can help guide members in the process and connect them to established resources. Clubhouse colleagues can assist members with career exploration, provide resources in selecting schools, assist in applying for financial aid, as well as offering a place to study and complete homework.
By The Numbers
Become a Frontier House Employer
If interested in partnering with Frontier House to provide employment opportunities Clubhouse members through our Transitional Employment or Individual Placement and Support programs (IPS), please contact us. Our staff will work with you to find the right fit for your business needs!